About Isshin Chiryoin(Isshin Clinic)

Isshin Chiryoin(isshin Clinic) started its operation in November 2022.
We research and practice what is necessary to respond to the problems of modern society, focusing on the ideas and techniques of Noguchi Seitai (Noguchi Chiropractic).
We not only repair the body, but also, if your problem with your body gets better, we give you advice on why it got worse, how to think about it, and what you should do to prevent the same problem from happening again in the future.
The atmosphere of our clinic is a little bit old Japanese, like the Showa and Taisyo eras, and our small garden is planted with seasonal plants for your enjoyment.
We also play classical music in the room to make you feel more relaxed.
Not only for the people in Okinawa but also for tourists and foreigners, we aim to be a place where you can enjoy your good experience of Noguchi Seitai (Noguchi Chiropractic)
About Noguchi Seitai
Noguchi Seitai (Noguchi Chiropractic)was established by the late Haruchika Noguchi.
Seitai means “to bring the body into order”.
If there is something wrong with one’s body, it means that the way one uses their own body and mind are not in alignment, and there is a buildup of “ki” somewhere in the body.
“Ki” is not something that has been identified or understood by modern science, but is an essence which exists before the formation of the physical body.
Treatment is carried out using only hands, without use of medicines, electricity, needles, moxibustion, or other tools.
As the built-up ki is passed, the person’s body is able to restore their natural balance.
I feel that once balance is restored, the majority of the conditions which we call illnesses will also naturally go away.

I believe that when physical stimulation, such as acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, or chiropractic, is used for treatment, it will work at first, but the body will eventually become accustomed to the stimulation and it will become less effective.
The philosophy behind Noguchi Seitai is not to heal using external stimulation, but to heal using the body’s own mechanisms.
For example, when trying to treat the lower back, if the patient focuses all of their nerves on the location being treated, and the practitioner focuses all of their nerves on the location being treated, this increases the ki sensitivity and increases flexibility in the affected vertebrae.
As such, if the patient sleeps, or chats, or is otherwise not focused, the benefits will not be as strong.
Noguchi Seitai is a different way of thinking that the approaches of hospitals, acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, chiropractic, etc.
A body with good sensitivity is a body which naturally enjoys deep sleep, has smooth excretions (urination, defecation, sweat, and breathing), and work long hours with little food, and is vital and vigorous in spirit.
However, because the human body and mind are in harmony with nature, it is also subject to repeated and continuous ebbs and flows, like an ocean tide, during ebbs they may feel poorly, but if one accepts that this is part of human nature, they will be able to work well during the flows and rest during the ebbs to live a more comfortable life without excessive strain.
To look at things in more detail, we will focus on the nerve innervation which is distributed from the spine.
For example, if there is an abnormal feeling in the tenth thoracic vertebra, then there may be a kidney condition.
If there is a kidney condition, then we would check if there were any abnormalities in the urological system.
If there are no issues with the internal organs, then we would check if there is any torsion in the third lumbar vertebra which is connected to the tenth thoracic vertebra, and so on.
Then, once the problem area is identified, we can apply our skills to the area to help its regain its flexibility.
If the flexibility is recovered, then the inner workings will act.

The more chronic the issue is, the longer amount of time it will take to treat, however as this uses the body’s own strength, treatment can be carried out without any side effects.
If medicine is used in appropriate amounts, it will be likely be effective, but if too much is used, there will always be side effects, on top of which, since it is the medicine and not your own body’s strength that is being used to treat the problem, even if the symptoms improve, the body will not become stronger and more resilient to these issues, so using the body’s own strength to overcome the issues will make you stronger, or to put it another way, it will rejuvenate you.
As another example, if a patient is diagnosed with sciatica, careful examination is carried out to identify which of the 5 lumbar vertebrae is lacking in flexibility, however if the pain is too intense to support the lower back, then the lower back will instead be relaxed through the abdomen.
Once the condition of the lower back improves, then we will carry further bone adjustments and other treatments.
Issues which result from mental or emotion conditions, there are muscles which run along the sides of the spine called the oblique muscles.
So for example, if one’s neck is stiff due to stress, these oblique muscles have stiffened.
Pressing with an appropriate amount of pressure on a stiff neck may feel good, but that is all that is accomplished.
Precisely pressing on the oblique muscles can relieve the discomfort, however the underlying mental and emotional issues stem from the person’s way of thinking, so we will explain a way of thinking that is more in line with nature.
The mind and spirit have a strong influence on people that the physical body, so we lead by proving lifestyle guidance.
Mental and emotional issues often take a longer time to treat, however most people understand that this will help their bodies get better.
We believe that improving illness and injury is one part of techniques of Noguchi Seitai, which is a way of training and discipline to improve overall life.
By learning about the weak points of your body, and experiencing improvement as things change using your own strength, allows you truly feel alive and will soften your expressions and feelings over time.
Treatment frequency is about 1 time per week for a total of 4 times for acute issues.
For chronic issues the frequency will be about 1 time per 2 weeks for half a year.
For patients who want to visit for preventative purposes, the frequency is generally around 1 time per month.
One method of improving your body’s sensitivity on your own is an exercise method called “katsugen undo”.
This exercise method has similar effects to meditation, and can be extremely beneficial if learned.
Please contact us for a consultation if interested.
Isshin Clinic’s purpose is to allow patients to eat on their own, to go to the restroom on their own, to change their own clothes, and to be self-sufficient up until one week before they die.